EDC electric cooktop

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EDC electric cooktop

1. Ceramic base plates made by Schott in Germany and Eurokera in France are used for Vitdam electric cooktop.

As ceramic base plates of electric cooktop should endure thermal expansion and shocks caused by high heat, they should take strict and complete tests and quality management from manufacturing processes. Vitdam uses the world’s highest-quality ceramic base plates produced by Schott in Germany and Eurokera in France. Those ceramic base plates are recognized by all consumers across the world.

2. The high-quality highlight heating elements made by E.G.O in Germany and Ceramaspeed in the United States of America are used for Vitdam electric cooktop.

As electric cooktop are designed to cook using heat of inside highlight heating elements, durability, economic feasibility and efficiency of those heating elements are core parts of electric cooktop. Low-electric power design and rapid high-temperature attainment should be guaranteed and companies with the best technology at present include E.G.O of Germany and Ceramaspeed of America. Vitdam uses the best highlight heating elements made by those companies recognized for their high technology.

3. Vitdam electric cooktop emit far infrared rays which are good for the human body.

As the highest-quality ceramic base plates are used for Vitdam electric cooktop, these ranges don’t give off electromagnetic waves. They emit far infrared rays which are good for the human body. Far infrared rays that make inside and outside of food materials cooked well are good for making foods taste better.

4. Vitdam electric cooktop are made with patented EDC technology for the first time in the world.

Unlike European nations, Oriental people like boiled dishes. From such an aspect, European-made electric cooktop are not optimized for cooking those foods. For this reason, many housewives still prefer gas ranges to electric cooktop. The relay-type European electric cooktop, in particular, designed to be off for a moment and then on again after some time, can’t easily produce peculiar tastes of boiled dishes. Vitdam electric cooktop are made through adopting the energy distribution control system using the nation’s best semiconductor IT technology for the first time in the world. This technology which is totally different from the European relay type is optimal for the culinary culture of Asia to boil food materials. This technology for repeatedly being on and off 60 times a second using a semiconductor controller can continuously raise temperature. In other words, this is about continuously raising temperature of dishes. In this way, foods don’t get cold in the middle of being boiled.

5. Vitdam electric cooktop were selected for 「Good Quality HIT 500 Products」.

Vitdam electric cooktop were selected for 「Good Quality HIT 500 Products」 by the government and recognized for their technology and quality. The HIT 500 products are selected by the Small and Medium Industry Promotion Corporation every year through objective assessment of consumers and a group of professional evaluators.